Sunday, 17 February 2013

Well, here goes.

Hello World,

    So here goes.

    I decided to write to you because I thought you'd find it interesting to see how someone with ZERO experience with motorcycle riding, can go from total neophyte, to actually riding the Tail of the Dragon.

   Now, I suppose the natural question is, what exactly is the Tail of the Dragon?  Well, I can only retell what I've been told, but, from the information I've seen online and the stories that I've heard from people who have been there before me, it's just a road. Ok, not just a road. A ROAD! Miles of road with hundreds of turns and no entrances or exits where other vehicles can t-bone the motorists. What makes Tail of the Dragon a ROAD, is that fact that it is probably the triple black diamond of all motoring roads in the area, if you will allow me to use alpine skiing terminology. And when I say "triple black diamond", I mean "triple black diamon you can die if you aren't careful".  Check out this nifty graphic:

    Where is the Tail of the Dragon?  There is a place called Robbinsville, North Carolina surrounded by the Smokey Mountain range just south of the Tennessee border.  It's a huge landscape with almost nothing but forests, mountains, and a long meandering lake called Cheoah Lake, although it looks more like a river to me on the map.That last little detail is important, on a map.  I've never been to this place, but from what I've heard, along with all the natural beauty, during the Spring to Autumn months, a horde of mechanized beasts roll in from all over the U.S. and Canada to ride the roads, including Tail of the Dragon.

    So what is this blog about exactly?  Well, I don't ride motorcycles.  At least not yet.  And some friends (who you will get to know as we move along this adventure) and I are planning a motorcycle trip to go to the Tail of the Dragon for the first week of June.  Now, again, I DON'T RIDE MOTORCYLES!  That leaves me March, April and May to get my license, get my gear, and, hmm, there was one more thing, oh yes, I forgot, I HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO RIDE A MOTORCYCLE!  Now, if you're reading this in say, Texas, you're probably saying to yourself; "3 months?! Easy!"  Unfortunately, I'm in Montreal, we don't get on our bikes until mid-march, and usually April since most of the time there is still snow on the ground in March.

   So, here we go, next time you hear from me World, I'll fill you in on what I have been able to to during the winter's months, and then as we get closer to our departure date, June 1st, we can see how I am progressing in my preparations.

Until next time.


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